Gerald and Shirley Davis, founders of IMOF Inc,  each have over 25 years of serving the Lord Jesus Christ, six years of which were spent recently as full-time missionaries living in various areas of Mexico, including almost 2 years working with Nahuatl Indians in rural Veracruz. The final three years they had their ministry base in Linares, N.L. while also traveling to various parts of Mexico (and Cuba) teaching seminars for children's ministry. Since returning to East Texas in October 2002, the ministry has grown considerably through the Internet, opening up opportunities to teach and minister in countries like England, South America and Africa, and network with other ministries and missionary organizations around the world.  


In March/April 2004 Shirley went to Argentina, Uruguay and Chile for a month, ministering through seminars, teaching about the persecuted church, and also meeting fellow believers with a similar vision.

To see photos of the South America trip follow this link: PHOTO ALBUM

In September 2004 she went to England, where she shared about children's ministry and also the fast-growing TFO prison ministry in Egypt. She was able to spend time with Jenny Hargreaves, who operates a similar support ministry for the inmates in Egypt, and learned much valuable information.

In late December 2005 she went to Cairo, Egypt where she and another ministry partner spent a week in the home of Fr Monir and his family. Two visits were made to Kanater Men's Prison where they spent several hours talking with many of the prisoners we help. Valuable information was learned that has strengthened our relationship and and enabled us to make better plans for the future ministry there.

To see photos of the recent trip to Egypt follow this link: First TFO Trip to Egypt


Already in 2006 we have made new contacts with ministries in Africa, as well as other countries overseas. We have been invited to minister with children's ministries in Kenya; and been invited to visit Ghana, specifically to meet contacts involved with the TFO prison ministry and rehabilitation projects there to help the inmates after their release. We look forward to planning definite trips to take advantage of these invitations as soon as the Lord provides.

If you would like to become involved in this important ministry you can contact us at 
