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Areas of ministry

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Children's church services

Mike regularly teaches Sunday school to scores of children and youth in Christco Church in Kimilili, but also frequently does so in rural areas where there may not even be a building! He utilizes puppets, games and many other dynamic teaching methods to teach children the Bible and how to live a life pleasing to God every day. Most of the teaching is done in Swahili to ensure good understanding, although some of the older children are also learning English. We hope to be able to send much-needed bibles and other teaching resources which would be of great benefit to the children there as they continue to learn about God.

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Sharing the vision

Mike is always eager to travel to other areas to share his vision for children's ministry - even if that means hanging on to a truck to get there! Often, after talking with a pastor, there is great interest in having him return to the area to speak in the church or hold a special children's meeting, and then help develop a new children's ministry in that location. He has taught several seminars around Western Kenya, including one in Uganda.

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Training children's ministers

Mike believes not only in teaching our comprehensive training seminar to new children's ministers, but also in helping them obtain good resources and develop dynamic ministries and outreach programs. Upon completing the training course in children's ministry, participants are awarded a certificate. Mike understands how difficult it is to minister without finances, yet also knows from experience that God can work through a committed and faithful servant to reach and change the lives of hundreds of children in spite of such difficulties!

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Ministering in schools

God has given Mike special favor to minister in many schools, even public schools, in that part of Kenya. This photo shows him and his assistant ministering with hand puppets as they share the Gospel with 1500 children in a rural public school. The situation may be difficult and resources inadequate, but the children are excited to have Mike visit, and many lives have been changed because of this ministry.

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Ministering to disabled

Every month or so, a mobile clinic for disabled and handicapped children passes through the area. Mike spends the day ministering to the special children that attend the clinic from the surrounding area. Their lives are often harsh and sad as they suffer without even the simplest of aids or treatment. As the visiting doctors do their best to help physically, Mike tells them about Jesus' wonderful love, and often gives them a gift of a Bible booklet or small soft toy to take home with them - the very FIRST toy many of these children have ever had!

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Special events

Mike also plans many special events for children including children's rallies with clowns and games; annual camps for youth; baptismal services; home bible clubs, and other outreach events. During 2008 he also was part of a team that ministered to children and youth who had suffered violet attacks from an uprising on nearby Mt. Elgon. He is developing local children's ministry teams with members from different church organizations and so the one who gets all the glory is JESUS!

More photos

See more pictures of Mike and his fast-growing ministry in our special photo album via this link Mike's photos