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Special articles from Shirley

Fascinating story of simple bible math


The story of how Abraham sent his servant to choose a wife for his son, Isaac, is a fairly simple story found in Genesis 24. Abraham did not want Isaac to marry a girl who worshipped other gods, so he sent his servant with gifts and 10 camels back to where some of Abraham’s family still lived in order to find a young girl. According to the map, he had to travel about 400 miles so it must have taken many weeks. When he reached the edge of the town in the evening, he prayed for guidance as truly it was a huge responsibility and he did not want to make a mistake! He decided to ask for a drink of water from a girl at the well, and if she offered to also give water to his camels that would be a sign she was the right one. Of course the story goes on to say how Rebekah did just that and later went back with him to marry Isaac.

As I was reading this I thought “I wonder how much a camel drinks?” With some quick help from the Internet I learned that one camel can drink 30 gallons of water in 10 minutes and normally drinks 30-50 gals at the time!! I quickly did the math in my head and realized the amazing truth – to give water to TEN thirsty camels the poor girl would need to fetch at least 30x10 = 300 gals water from the well!! Now on our little farm I carry buckets of water every day for the chickens and goats, and I know how heavy a 5 gal bucket full of water is! A gallon of water weighs about 5lbs (2 kg), so five gals weighs about 25lbs (10 kg).

In order to water all ten camels with even 300 gals of water, how many trips would Rebekah have had to make with a 5 gal bucket? The answer is 300 divided by 5 = 60 trips to and from the well!!! Even if the camels were right beside the well, she had to get the bucket of water up out of the well so it probably took her at least 5 minutes each time – so do you know how long it would have taken her for 60 trips? The answer is FIVE HOURS – a LOT of hard work well into the night, and all for a total stranger!! Now the servant didn’t ASK Rebekah to do this, he just asked for a cup of water – she OFFERED to water his camels (and I’m sure she realized it was going to be a lot of hard work!)
What the servant used as a test to find the right young lady for Isaac, was actually almost impossible – who would EVER offer to do all that for a stranger? Yet, Rebekah did, and that shows us what a very special, kind and hard-working girl she was – in fact just the RIGHT bride for Isaac! If we would just take a little more time to think about every word in a Bible story and imagine the situation, we often find the story is even MORE amazing than ever!

The heart of a true children's minister


From corresponding with and getting to know many different Christians involved with children’s ministry around the world over the past years, I’ve come to some fascinating conclusions. Some may read this and not really understand or agree, but don’t worry. I believe we all have a different calling in the Body of Christ and over the years, as we faithfully follow Christ, we come to better understand what that is exactly. As we have different experiences along our Christian walk we gain a better understanding of the Body of Christ and the part God has for us to play in it. Sometimes children’s ministry is just for a season along the way, but for others of us, we find a special passion and anointing that just continues to grow. It is important to remember that others that DON’T have this are not LESS faithful or POORER servants of God – we should instead, encourage them to continue to seek God to understand to what area of ministry God is calling THEM. They may work alongside us for a season and then move on – but instead of feeling disappointed or let down, we should remember that God is in control, and just carry on, even if it means we do so alone for a while! As I share the observations below, I hope they will bring better understanding about the true calling of a children’s minister – and also encourage and inspire those of you who recognize that indeed this IS your calling!

I believe a true children’s minister is DIFFERENT (sometimes in fact considered “weird”!) We have a very special passion and anointing that others don’t have and can’t understand! So don’t worry if:

- pastors don’t appreciate your ministry and only grudgingly let you speak in church for 5 minutes when you could easily preach for two hours!
- many of those you train “fall away” and aren’t really committed to children’s ministry after all!
- other believers don’t understand why you don’t join in with their church programs and aren’t one of the group!
- you are not content to just sing songs and teach bible stories in Sunday school class, and sometimes literally spend hours perfecting a simple game or teaching that will only last 15 minutes!
- it seems that no-one appreciates your ministry or wants to support it – yet on the rare occasion when someone does give you a small offering, you feel like a king for hours!!!

Such true children’s ministers are a “rare breed” and you may meet very few face to face in life but you are NOT alone! I truly praise God for connecting us together with so many others who DO have the same vision and passion, even though we are scattered all around the world, speak different languages and look very different! Our cultures and situations may be very different, but we have a natural understanding of one another and quickly become friends. We share a passion that:

- won’t be contained within the walls of a church (or denomination) but pushes on out to reach the little kids sitting playing in the dirt; the brash young boys playing football on a muddy patch of ground; and the children who may never enter the door of a church because they are growing up in another faith.
- won’t fit in to an organized schedule of services and events but stops to reach out to a child whimpering in an alley at night; or chooses an open door of opportunity to visit the sick child of a neighbor of a different religion, rather than attend a church social.
- doesn’t keep a record of people “saved” because of knowing too well that just repeating a prayer for salvation is not enough, and so we must focus on sharing and teaching more of Jesus EVERY opportunity we get, since we never know when a child will not be able to return.
- is not satisfied with just repeating a proven plan of action, because we see how quickly society and events have an impact on children and bring new challenges to be overcome, and need new ways of applying the scriptures to their ever-changing daily lives.

We share a passion that:

- sees children as little people that are not just full of future potential, but that God wants to start using NOW!
- looks into a child’s eyes and sees the hurts and fears behind his angry behavior, and wants to bring healing and hope.
- hears the eagerness in a child’s voice and wants to encourage her in her innocent willingness to help.
- reaches out to hug a dirty, ragged child who cowers in a corner at home and has never experienced love!

This passion and the individual vision that God gives us to go about MINISTERING to the children around us will continue to grow as we step forward in faith. The way ahead may seem IMPOSSIBLE, and we may frequently wonder how we will pay our bills and provide for our families, but as we trust and serve Him every day, the Lord is faithful to not only give us a special anointing for the ministry but also to supply our needs. I would so dearly love to be able to help support financially the many wonderful children’s ministries we know around the world, but I can rest in the fact that I KNOW our Heavenly Father can do a much better job of that than me! So I will continue to lift them all up in prayer and encourage them at every opportunity I have. I am truly blessed to be a part of this wonderful special ministry!

I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints." Philemon 4-7 (NIV)