We teach seminars and workshops, available in either English or Spanish, for churches or groups of churches. Topics include: the vision and need for children's ministry; how to teach children, with helpful hints on dealing with common problems; practical teaching (with involvement of participants) on a large variety of teaching methods, including dramas, object lessons, puppets, games and activities; and lots of dynamic ideas for outreach and special activities to help children get involved with missions. (Seminars are usually planned for 2-3 sessions or a complete day or weekend; workshops usually last 2-3 hours)

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We focus particularly on teaching how to use resources and materials that are readily at hand, and how to develop one's own teachings, directed by the Holy Spirit and looking to God as the source of creative new ideas.

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Teaching children where there's no building for them    Children in a building but without seats

We like to encourage children wherever they live, to correspond with children in other parts of the world, so they can learn about life in different countries and have personal experience with Christians from other cultures. We produce a monthly newsletter with this in mind, called the World Kids PAL Page

To learn more information about this follow this link to: WORLD KIDS PAL CLUB


Since the early 1990's, we have developed children's ministries and taught seminars both in the United States and also in several different countries. We have developed and published teaching materials in both English and Spanish, and have recently recognized the value of sending teaching materials via the Internet, into countries where there are people who have a desire to receive training for children's ministry, but are unable to attend seminars. We have recently developed a correspondence course in English with lessons that can be sent by e-mail or airmail overseas. We also have published  a teaching manual, which is available in Spanish, for a similar purpose. 

To learn more about "Joy with Jesus" children's ministry go to our special website


To contact us for more details in general or about the correspondence course:


To learn about published children's ministry materials we have available: